EARLY VIEW of the Spring Summer 2023 Trend forecast
presented live by Li Edelkoort
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
11:30am - 1:00pm New York
8:30am - 10:00am West Coast
17:30 - 19:00 Paris
General Admission $350/ person
The current gender movement is refining categories all the time, adding new notions, symbols, flags and words on a regular basis. The pronouns shift, trying to become as neutral as our languages permit, such as they/them and the more abstract ey/eir. With these gender-defining archetypes come clothes that are shared and exchanged, inspired and enhanced, from simple sweats to historic costumes and from worker’s clothes to excessive drag looks.
An exciting period lays before us and might dominate fashion for the decades to come. As such, this trend presentation is valuable for the long haul. Within a reliable wardrobe, fluidity is obtained and will be expressed through the return of styling, where everyone chooses personal ways to pull and layer clothes together and adorn them with hats, belts, suspenders, ties and handkerchiefs, as well as corsets. This culminates in a fluidity of colours, from non-descript gender neutrals to elegant greys and elemental outdoor hues, starting with babyish pastels and lightly-tinted neutrals, but also brighter ranges and ultra-brights for dressing up. Fluidity and harmony go hand in hand, searching for a beautiful balance in our clothes and culture. EXPLORE!